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Flipped Classroom Teaching & Learning

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About GFlip

GFlip is a Web-based platform that faciliates the
flipped classroom teaching & learning methodology
Video Categorization
Upload your videos to Google Drive and tag them for sharing in GFlip
Works with Google
Sign in with your Google Apps password. With Google Apps for Education, you can upload any number of videos without bursting your budget.
Mobile Responsive
GFlip adapts its layout according to the size of the device so students can watch and learn on-the-move.

Central Management

All videos uploaded by teachers are consolidated into a single repository so schools have the ultimate control over the videos.

Simple, Powerful Search

All videos are tagged with keywords and subjects. Students and teachers can find videos easily and quickly with the simple and powerful built-in search tool.


GFlip is in closed preview. If you would like to give it a spin, contact us at